- Our Vision Statement
- Admissions Policy
The Patrician Secondary is a Boys Catholic Secondary School under the patronage of the Le Chéile’s School’s Trust. Students are accepted into the school on the understanding that there is recognition of the Catholic ethos of the school and an acceptance of its right to provide an education and engage in activities that reflect this ethos.
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- BOM Anti-Bullying Policy
The Patrician Secondary School as a Christian Community commits itself to the development of all it’s members in an environment of cooperation and mutual respect.
- Code of Behaviour Policy
The Code of Behaviour has been developed in accordance with the school’s mission statement.
- Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment and Review Notification
- Droichead Policy
- Fighting Policy
- Homework and Study Policy
- RSE Plan
- School Book Policy
- School Uniform Policy
- Substance Abuse Policy
- Wellbeing Policy
- School Tour Policy
User Policies for Computers and the Internet
Book Lists
Booklists will appear here as necessary…